Folk remedies for parasites in the human body

The parasites, poison, endanger the health. Of them it is impossible to defend 100%. Regular inspection and cleaning is a necessary measure. Parasites get rid of, optionally, synthetic anti-buy in the pharmacy parasitic drugs. There are more secure and working Tools. Here are the tried-and-tested recipes, you should look for are.

Helminthic infestation can be clearly and accompanied by a variety of symptoms. The man may be a few years, not even the presence of parasites in your body He feels problems: low mood, sleep disturbance, problems with hair, nails. Accepted complex vitamins or dietary supplements do not often have a positive effect.


Harmful parasites:

  • exacerbate allergies and skin diseases;
  • the work of the digestive tract interfere;
  • Toxins poison;
  • inhibit the absorption of nutrients;
  • weaken the immune system.

They affect the functioning of all organs and systems of the people. The faster the treatment of intestinal parasites (and other types), start the less damage you bring.

You can't always reveal itself to the uninvited guests, so it is recommended to run a diagnostic. Laboratory tests help to identify the Problem, but also what type of parasites.

The folk recipes of parasites

If the analysis of the Elisa showed parasites in the blood or they are discovered in the faeces, optionally for the treatment using synthetic drugs. There are many popular recipes that deliver good results. Most of them on the basis of the available products. It is important that they are of high quality. Unacceptable for the preparation of formulations of the dishes made of plastic or oxidizing metals to use. Smarter preferably glass, enameled container.

Decoctions, infusions, alcohol-have a limited shelf life, so prepare to only a day.

Pumpkin seeds

Gentle remedy against parasites, which often use at home. In pumpkin seeds, a substance that paralyses worms included. To move without any possibility to always hold the die to the intestinal wall of parasites, of course. For the people the substance is harmless, sunflower seeds can be consumed in any quantity. But it is much more efficient this product works with milk.


  • 120 G Of Sunflower Seeds;
  • 150 ml of milk.


You hit the seeds with the milk in a blender. Coryza in the morning on an empty stomach instead of Breakfast. To drink an hour, and nothing. After 3 hours, a cleansing do enema.


Garlic – the most common of vermin, in the second place, the onion is. This remedy is contraindicated for people with diseases of the stomach.

Against what parasites garlic:

  • Thread worm
  • caused;
  • Giardia;
  • pinworms.

You heat up a glass of milk, add 12 drops of fresh juice of garlic, drink in the morning. A week taken, after 10 days, repeat the course. Intestinal parasites, often enemas using garlic water. To 0.5 liters of must toes, 5-7 garlic, deal, night and strain take.


Unique natural remedies that help in the fight against parasites. Chanterelles are effective against tape worms of various kinds, and other helminths. This is the most popular and safe cleaning of organism from parasites folk remedies. For the production of tinctures frequent fresh mushrooms. You can replace the Moonshine high-quality vodka.

By the way, exactly these fungi are never with the worms, is that a proof for the effectiveness.


  • Vodka;
  • The chanterelles.


Chop the mushrooms can chop with a knife. Fill up to half of the 0.5-litre can add up to the brim full of vodka (Moonshine), shake, resist 10-14 days, drain. You eat a teaspoon in the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Or you can drink 2 teaspoons of the tincture at night.

the bark of the aspen

The bark of the aspen

You combine 50 G of the bark and 500 ml of water, boil 5 minutes, for 3 hours, you can stay the night. You drink 5 times a day, separated from meals. Treatment of 3 weeks.


The house means are good in fighting parasites in the age of 60 years and older. Ginger in addition to the elimination of worms improves the flow of bile, detoxifies the liver, relieves pain and cramps, removes the slag.

Directions: boil any tea with 1 TSP of grated ginger. Drink a Cup a day for three weeks.


Iodine and Soda, helps to get rid of the various parasites, in front of him, not fungi, roundworms and tapeworms are. For the preparation of Fund, you can mix 2 TSP of starch, sugar and 100 ml of water, 1 pinch of citric acid. Bring to a boil, remove from heat, 150 ml of water and 2 teaspoons of ordinary drugstore iodine.

Adults take a glass of such a Kissel 3 times a day. Children over 10 years take a mug 0,3 funds. At the age of 10 years, 0.5 cups.

Tar Birch

For the treatment from the drugstore is to visit the tar. The means of the own production will not be applied.

There are different schemes, here is one of the options. Every morning drink with a spoon of Apple juice with 1 straw, then a week drop-wise to allow every day, bringing gradually to 7 drops. In such a relationship, take a month, then take a break for 3 months.


For the treatment used a decoction of the crusts. Remove the shell from a grenade, pour in 250 of boiling water, boil for five minutes and an hour to pull. Drain the Cup to compensate. You drink 3-4 cans for 1.5 hours. More 4 hours nothing to drink, not eat.


Mix cloves and 10 parts of linseed (seeds), and 1 part crushed. Take a powder in any convenient manner, 20 G daily for a month. You can the food, drink, or take it separately with water.


You can simply spice in various dishes to add, but best with a special blend of turmeric, garlic, ginger. The ingredients are mixed in equal parts, soak a day at room temperature in a sealed container. Take 1 TSP in the morning and in the evening, 7 days in a row.

Black Walnut

Most commonly for the treatment with tincture of black walnut. Take 2 TSP before Breakfast and dinner for two weeks.

Vegetable oils against parasites

Vegetable oils are the simplest remedy for parasites, as they require pre-treatment. The Maximum, what to do – mixed with other ingredients according to the recipe.

For cleaning only, not refined oils. Well, if you juice. Also, it is important with the time limits of the shelf, fresh produce more valuable substances.

Castor oil (with brandy)

You mix 50 ml of brandy and 2-3 tablespoons of castor oil. Drink in the night after 3-4 hours after a light dinner. It is desirable to carry out the cleaning in a day, because the medium has a pronounced laxative effect.

Black cumin oil

Take 10 ml three times daily before meals. After 2 weeks, repeat. To improve the taste, you can mix with yogurt, juice or other beverage with a low sugar content.

Pumpkin seed oil

Possibility of cleaning and treatment without enema. It is suitable for children and adults, helps the parasites. You need to do the swab non-woven, impregnate with the oil, close the night on the Anus. Repeat For 40 Days.

Linseed oil

Take 1 TSP oil 3-4 times a day before meals (20-30 minutes). The best results are achieved if you drink a decoction of St. John's wort.

Essential oils

The anti-parasitic cleansing enema with oil. The commonly used esters of lemon or eucalyptus. In base oil (sunflower, flax, pumpkin), added 3-4 drops.

Coconut oil

Take 1 teaspoon of unrefined oil of the coconut 3 times daily before a meal, gradually increasing the dose up to 1 tablespoon. L. then you take 7 days of such quantity, you can drink warm herbal tea or water.

Herbs against parasites


To combat the parasites, most often the bitter herb to take. Here are the most popular recipes, which showed itself from its best side. All the herbs, preferably in a pharmacy buy. When you yourself have harvested, then collect spend away from roads and residential environment in the clean areas.

Three group

Murderous means, against the not, there are even flatworms. You can buy it at the pharmacy, it is a Boring, but it is better to cook yourself. In addition, it is much cheaper in cost. Here is one of the recipes, there are variations with different additives (nuts, seeds, other herbs).


  • 4 Tablespoons Of Tansy;
  • 1 Spoon Of Wormwood;
  • 1 Teaspoon Of Cloves.


Mix the crushed ingredients. On the first day, 1 teaspoon of food before Breakfast, taken with water. On the second day, consume before Breakfast and before lunch. On the third day morning, noon and night.


You can do an enema to from the Infusion of wormwood, but, in General, take the grass to the inside. To do this, grind the dry grass, taking them in the morning and evening 1 teaspoon of exactly a week, wash with clean water. After a month, repeat.


Take 30 days, morning and evening 1 teaspoon of chopped tansy. Drink 1 Tbsp. warm water. The food you take in half an hour. If necessary, after a month of cleaning repeat, but enough of the course in two weeks.


Mix 1 part dried chamomile flowers and 10 parts of vodka, insist 2 weeks, strain. You will take 30 drops before meals 4 times per day for three weeks.

How to get rid of parasites for 3 days

If you quickly bring the parasites in an adult, then this System helps. It is suitable for people who stay at home, the Infusion taken before meals.

How to quickly cleanse the body:

  1. To normalize for 5-7 days prior to the cleansing diet. Remove products from wheat flour, potatoes, sugar, starch.
  2. You mix 100 G of dried herbs: tansy, wormwood, buckthorn. 1 tbsp. L. brew, a mixture of 2 cups of boiling water, drink 100 G 30 minutes before each meal exactly 3 days.
  3. Daily cleansing enema oil or soda.

Next week, we recommend carefully monitor stool, constipation. If necessary, soft laxative take.

Prevention against infestation of parasites

Parasites can enter the body with the water, the food, through dirty hands, unwashed. That is why in the prevention – to ensure cleanliness. It is important that you Can thoroughly wash, pour hot water. After the road you have to wash your hands always. If this is not possible, the processing of a special anti-bacterial Gel or wipes.

The second important point – limit the consumption of raw fish, meat. The products need to carefully prowariwat, baking, frying thoroughly. If you are preparing for any of the national dishes of Korean, Chinese kitchen, is often treated meat and fish vinegar.

Be. careful to eat on the road The danger is not only fast food, but also napkins seller hands take money, cook, give them to the customers.


To be with the parasites is not as difficult as it may seem. There are an incredible number of simple and accessible methods. Important is only the recipe is to follow and to not try to accelerate the process of increase the dosage. Each medicine will be the poison, if an irresponsible approach to therapy.